Friday, 26 July 2013

Climate Issues My Views, Reality and Thoughts

The phrases CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING and more recently GLOBAL COOLING are now part of our lives and rarely does a day go by without a mention in the press or on the radio of the possible causes of climate change and its consequences.

Climate change has come upon us in a relatively short space of time and is accelerating with alarming speed. It is perhaps the most serious problem that the civilized world has had to face.

"We are moving towards a technological and economic tipping point" that could reshape energy use and drastically reduce emissions.

The longer we delay decreasing emissions, the more we are going to have to spend on adaptation. Many countries are addressing climate change out of their own need and national interest.
When we think about Copenhagen we need to think about "what did we learn and what is different now.

What is different is governments have agreed to come to an agreement and many more extreme weather events have hit many countries. But in all this, there are others that are adamant of the real and occurring current facts of the issue with climate science.

It has become evident that disaster, climate risks are becoming impediments to poverty reduction. Some might disagree but there are research findings that prove this. To support this statement here is a link for your reading attention : VIDEO:‬ Climate Change in ‪‎Africa‬ Will Hit the ‪Poor‬ the Hardest.

In spite of all the publicity and coverage and indeed in the face of real evidence, there are many dissenting voices who either do not accept that climate change is taking place or that anthropogenic gases and compounds, such as carbon dioxide, are responsible for the major effect.

Well I can also add another link to buttress my case of climate risk impeding poverty reduction. In a situation where governments need to channel resources into providing the basic amenities for the poor, there will be the pressing need to tackle the high risks of Climate change. Read this World Bank report : The climate crisis will lock millions into poverty according to a new World Bank report .

I am not done yet with this post. I will surely add more to this post. I might edit this or do another post.


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