Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Sleeping Cha Cha Cha!!

Hey fellow visitors to my blog, hope the year has been good to you so far. As always a pleasure to see you check up on my posts to read away your time.

This particular post is more of a fun one for which I might not waste much of your time.

It happened in the house of God when I went to church over the weekend to worship. Reason why I titled it Cha Cha Cha, I am sure you will find out as you read along and eventually, at the end of it.

Before I push through my theme, I decided to pick out a few quotes that relates to church, maybe in between the post, I might push in some funny quotes about church also.

Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man-DWIGHT L. MOODY

 The Church is not a gallery for the better exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones - HENRY WARD BEECHER,

The Church must be intelligible to the simple as well as to the shrewd - ROBERT HUGH BENSON

So now let's ride on.


In the moment, we had observed the bible reading, worship, praises and offertory sessions not forgetting that of those who came in with various prayer requests as well as thanksgiving notes.

Then came the moment for which the congregation I am sure had left their comfortable homes to observe on this Sunday, was to listen to the preaching of the gospel. The preacher mounted the pulpit and his session began.

Down the line in his sermon delivery, I spotted one elderly woman ordering her grandchild to stand-up. The reason, the child was dozing and feeling so sleepy that he couldn't open both eyes. Intermittently, I stole a glance to see what transpired. At one point, I noticed the elderly woman pinching the young lad as well as rubbing his face for him to open his eyes. This young chap was so dead feeling sleepy and at a point, the elderly woman had to give up and allow the young man to take that so wanted nap during service hours.

A couple of minutes went by and as usual wanting to know what ensued further, I found out to my amusement, the elderly woman herself dozing off seriously. I happened to see her head doze down twice for the split second I turned. This really brought laughter to my face and few funny thoughts as well as questions. One of the thoughts were, how I wished the young lad had woken up to see granny now competing him.

Thinking I had had enough of a sleeping drama in church that faithful day, midway through the sermon delivery, I found a couple and their beautiful little daughter in a whole exciting drama of sleeping CHA CHA CHA. In between sessions, I found the wife dozing here and there. I thought it was normal somehow especially with the very previous incidence witnessed. But there was a twist to this one. Anytime the wife was in her sleepy moments, the husband will tickle her to wake up.

Moving forward at one point, I spotted the husband also been caught by the sleeping bug. Beautifully, the wife returned the favour by tickling him also to wake up. The husband realizing this, got out of slumber, gave his wife a wink and both smiled over it. This was after say two sessions of tickling each other to stop sleeping during the service. I remember posting this love sleeping session on one of my social media platforms and it really drew some interesting comments from friends and followers.

I think at a point, I also dozed off before the entire service ended. I hope the video coverage camera didn't catch me during the period I was dozing. I again hope you enjoyed reading my church sleeping experience.

Again, thanks for stopping by my blog. Cheers and have a great week. If you see me in town, just say hi!!!


  1. Chale, you party too hard! But why do we fall asleep in church at all? Is it that we allow kids not to sleep early on Saturday night or we also stay out too long and thus feel the effect during service on Sunday morning?

    1. Exact reason , I can't readily point out but it could be a combination of all that you stated. There has been instances where I for instance didn't party at all on a Saturday night but dozed off at church the next day and there has been days where I partied all night into Sunday but didn't doze or sleep. We still will search for the answers Oyoo.
