The World Climate simulation event gives people a taste of what it is like to be a negotiator at the UN climate change negotiations. World Climate was developed by Climate Interactive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management, and the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) Climate change Initiative.
The event which was organized by Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) with support from Climate Interactive and the University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic in Morocco at the Kumasi Hive, Kentinkrono-Kumasi granted me the opportunity to be a part as an Activist/Journalist where my role was to set the minds of negotiators on the importance of the day. Seemingly I had to counter directives that were proposed to the fund seeking delegates to be circumspect of accepting any conditions looking at their countries resources and it's eventual effect on their environment.

Also I explained why the case of climate change research and activism was important for which negotiators should take note in their dealings with developed partners should another opportunity presented itself.

The results from the computer showed the nations have only limited global warming to 2.3˚C which means more intensive actions have to take place to reach the 2˚C goal.
Grateful to the GAYO team for the opportunity they granted me to be a part of this event and I learnt a lot for which the experience gained is still very much valued.
Act on Climate!!!
PHOTO CREDIT : Green Africa Youth Organisation
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