Monday, 30 September 2019

Just Learn!

This morning, I woke up thinking about how I was going to sort this printer issue out at the office.
I had a lot of data capturing and image documentation jobs to finish up and print them out entirely for my pending management meeting.

Trying to get the printer fixing person wasn't happening after countless efforts towards getting him over to the office to fix it.

After all the daily wahala and getting my trucks on the road for their various deliveries as well as pick up assignments, I got myself some good Ghanaian food to eat and relax. Thereafter, I decided to attempt fixing this thing by myself ready to face any consequence should any arise.

I picked up my phone and started to read along on what was to be fixed.
I got some level of knowledge on that but still felt I wasn't going to be able to fix the problem.
I later dropped my phone, did some data capturing manually then I decided to let me hit the internet once again if I'd be lucky to get some step by step information.

YouTube did the trick. I had to go through quite a number of videos where I had to skew my search keywords to be able to attract those exact, videos to guide me.

I got a few and they seemed interesting but I still told myself, guy, chill oo what if this thing is damaged, you'll be asked to respond to a query and attest to an incident report form.
So for a minute, I stopped and attended to other office duties. As time went by, it came back to me that I also needed the printer to get those other jobs done immediately. I came back to the desk to attempt sorting it out. My search couldn't get me the exact product but there was a twin product for which the same issue had a video tutorial on.

I watched for said video repeatedly for four times and decided no I'll do this.
Step by step, I tried this fix it issue on the printer.
Along the line, I had a few steps escaping me and had to return to the video to guide me through.
Eventually, I succeeded in solving the issue and the printer was back to its best performance.

The motive for this post isn't to tell anyone about being smart but to always approach solving problems by taking your time and learning. Learning doesn't end, it is a continuous act that one must always be ready to fall on when it is needed. Even when it isn't needed, you can learn something new to keep your brain active.

Also, there are many platforms you must recognize is available to use. With this one, YouTube helped me.


Thursday, 30 May 2019

Summer Of Solutions - Pick Your Challenge

The "Summer Of Solutions" is a call for applications from young people around the world to create innovative technology-based solutions to global challenges.

This is a new initiative launched by the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, in partnership with the United Nations Technology and Innovation Labs, United Nations Development Programme, the Office of Information and Communications Technology and Unite Ideas.

The 2019 #SummerOfSolutions aims to solve climate challenges:

#OpenCI Platform Challenge: develop an information systems solution that can serve as a platform to enhance the access of localized climate and market information.

#CircularEconomy Challenge: present ideas for ICT tools and business process innovations that are related to the Circular Economy and can result in rapid and far-reaching improvements for society.

#EthicalFashion Challenge: present ideas for ICT tools and business process innovations that are related to Ethical Fashion & Textiles, which can result in rapid and far-reaching improvements for society.

Selected participants and their ideas will be showcased at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in
New York City in September 2019.

Pick your challenge, get involved and help change the world!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Have The Best Of 2019

Dear friends,

I know it has been ages when you last read something from my space here on blogger.

Lately I have been caught up in a lot of things for which I had to put my blogging on hold for sometime. These other ventures has been eventful and a lot of experiences learnt.

This post isn't actually one for which I will type out a long piece. This is just to encourage and wish you the best of the new year 2019.

As always, when a new year sets in, a lot of resolutions, hopes, targets and likes are either written down or kept in memory. For all that you've wished for yourselves, I wish you well and hope they're fulfilled by the time set against them.

From the photo attached to this post, I wish you the best and hope you all become a success story.
I happened to have joined this passenger mini bus on my way back to the office after a meet up with a client.

Immediately I got unto the bus, the conductors attire drew my attention and for a minute, I said amen to that. I then took out my phone to capture it.

Believe in yourself, work towards all your goals, pray about it and 2019 will be a good one for us all.

Cheers to 2019 fam!