Dear friends,
I know it has been ages when you last read something from my space here on blogger.

This post isn't actually one for which I will type out a long piece. This is just to encourage and wish you the best of the new year 2019.
As always, when a new year sets in, a lot of resolutions, hopes, targets and likes are either written down or kept in memory. For all that you've wished for yourselves, I wish you well and hope they're fulfilled by the time set against them.
From the photo attached to this post, I wish you the best and hope you all become a success story.
I happened to have joined this passenger mini bus on my way back to the office after a meet up with a client.
Immediately I got unto the bus, the conductors attire drew my attention and for a minute, I said amen to that. I then took out my phone to capture it.
Believe in yourself, work towards all your goals, pray about it and 2019 will be a good one for us all.
Cheers to 2019 fam!
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