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My life over the years has seen so many changes and dramatic ones as such. Along the way, I met some true friends, some I still have, some I lost along the way either by location change, settlement, work etc.
In all these, I enjoyed every bit of it. I tried to give my all in many of those relationships I was in with them not forgetting the human nature in me, I am sure I might not have been perfect in some of those relationships, but as I always try to reconcile and make peace, I had this and still have this to say any time.... Life is best what you make of if taking into consideration the opportunities that abounds and surround you, so take into consideration what is right and believe in it and be sure and fast to accept the wrong, apologies and move on.
Last Monday, September 30th 2013, I turned 30 years. That I am grateful to the Almighty God for keeping me and my life to see this number of years on earth. I have gone through tremendous illnesses, and accident that could have taken my life, a stomach disorder that required some operations, and many more that I can't mention all of them here.
On that day, I was overwhelmed by the love showed me by friends from far and near. With my social media networking presence, I was blown away by the various messages and wishes as well as prayers proclaimed unto my life. Facebook as usual had the bunch, then it turned to twitter and then Instagram, emails, whatsapp and many more. I had virtually all day reading messages and wishes. It was fun and enjoying to know that one had some remembering friends.
Well my plot for writing this blog post, is to express my profound gratitude to each and every one, who called, texted, whatsapped, prayed, Facebooked, twittered at me, emailed me etc. I am very much grateful once again and want to use this opportunity to say THANK YOU A 30 TIMES. may the almighty grant you all your heart desire and all that you wish as well as aspire for. I will never forget this gesture done to me. You will all be remembered.
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