Wednesday, 14 May 2014

#WhatJayZSaidToSolange - The Meme funside!!

Trust the new era of technological advancement to highlights every little thing into a massive spectacle. That notwithstanding, social media aside it's much tauted benefits can really create humour to the core no matter the situation whether a serious one or not.

It is obvious that during the weekend, one of the famous celebrity families had a brawl and guess where, in an elevator after an event. May be this is the tweet that sparked all the wahala after the incident happened. This tweet has since been deleted thanks to TMZ for this one.

On Monday, popular celebrity gist TMZ released a few post Met Gala footage in what appears to be Solange, Beyonce's younger sister wailing or better ranting at Jay Z in an elevator.
Immediately the footage was released, people took to the various social media platforms, to create either their own opinions of what might have caused that scene, asked questions or get answers to the scuffle exhibited by the footage.

Initially I decided to storify ( Check Out my STORIFY profile) the fun and excitement that went on especially that on twitter but after going through a few more of the tweets, I decided to blog this. My reason, the MEME funside that were blotted online really made me laugh my ribs out.

If you missed some of them, well don't worry, that's the reason for this post. Immediately after the footage was released, the hashtag that came up was #WhatJayZSaidToSolange. And in a few minutes, it was trending on the social media site Twitter.

Sit down, relax and enjoy my side of how things transpired on the platform. I look at the meme version of the brouhaha.

Thinking I had had enough, I chanced on this Vine clip of how many times Solange hit Jay Z, and that blew my head off (I am still alive anyway with my head Watch this!

There are many more flying all over social media especially on twitter. Just follow the hashtag link I placed in the earlier paragraph and you'll get more of such meme being paraded.

I hope I made you crack up your ribs a little. Thanks for stopping by my blog once again.

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